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Вакансия: Customer Service Support Representative


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🚑 Решение задач, контроши, рефераты, курсовые и другое! Онлайн сервис помощи учащимся. Цены в 2-3 раза ниже!

Employer is a company targeting the high school education market in the USA, Europe, and Russia. We develop tools allowing schoolchildren to acquire scientific education in a more compact and effective way. Our products include hands-on experiment sets, virtual reality laboratories, and other e-learning tools.


·    Customer support via text chat and email (90%) or over the phone (10%)

·    Procurement and supply management: replacing broken equipment and dispatching extra packages to customers, including close collaboration with a distribution center in the USA.

·       Product testing (experimental chemistry kits for children)

·       Performing customer surveys, including phone calls

·       Preparing email campaigns with information for customers

·       Preparing reports and proposals concerning both chemistry sets and website features.


·       Fluent English (writing and speaking) is a must; in your CV, specify language certificates, internships abroad, and other experience proving your skills in English.

·       We search for an extravert person with developed empathic ability. If you enjoy talking to strangers and helping people solve their problems, you are welcome.

·       Technical education: Bachelor / Master degree (chemistry / chemical engineering, pharmacy / physics / biology / engineering / IT );

·       This position requires you to be independent and decisive. You will be the only person who makes a decision on how to fulfill a customer request in a best possible way.

Terms and conditions:

·       Working hours are accommodated for the US customers: 2 pm – 10 pm on business days

·       Full time job.

·       Medical insurance provided

·       Vacation: 30 days

·       Comfortable working environment in a team of young scientists and programmers. Average employee age is below 30.

·       Free lunches at a restaurant provided for all employees. Free coffee, tea, and fruits in the office

·       Office conveniently located close to subway station (4 min. walk from Kirovskiy Zavod)


Присылайте Ваши отклики на эл.почту katya@scijob.ru.

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