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Postdoctoral position (single protein FRET measurements) at the University of Notre Dame, Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry


     Postdoctoral Fellow position available in the laboratory of Professors Masaru Kuno (http://kuno.crc.nd.edu/) and Patricia Clark (https://chemistry.nd.edu/people/patricia-l-clark/) at the University of Notre Dame, Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry.  We are currently seeking a candidate to work on a Keck Foundation funded project to investigate single protein folding following vectorial transport through a nanopore.  There is strong –albeit anecdotal– evidence that vectorial folding can significantly alter folding mechanisms, including how likely a protein is to fold correctly versus misfold and aggregate.  Yet there exists no method available to recapitulate vectorial protein folding in the test tube.  As a result, there is no experimental platform available to study in detail its precise effects on folding mechanisms and outcomes. To overcome these obstacles, single protein folding/vectorial transport measurements will be conducted.
     The successful candidate should ideally have a background in single molecule/single particle optical measurements.  Of particular interest are candidates with previous experience in conducting single molecule fluorescence resonance energy transfer (FRET) measurements and analysis.  The ability to work with optics, microscopes and home-built instrumentation is strongly desired.  Programming skills are also a plus.  Finally, the ideal candidate will be expected to interface with biochemists and should be able to cross disciplinary boundaries.
     The position is available immediately.  The starting salary is $47,000 (before taxes). Applications along with three letters of recommendation should be sent directly to Professors Kuno and Clark via e-mail (mkuno@nd.edu, pclark1@nd.edu).


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