KevinLam Опубликовано 9 Февраля, 2020 в 09:46 Поделиться Опубликовано 9 Февраля, 2020 в 09:46 Идеальный кандидат должен иметь возможность работать на английском языке. The Lam Research Group is an established research group at the University of Greenwich in the UK. We are looking for a highly motivated post-doctoral candidate who would like to apply to a Newton International Grant. Applicants will receive guidance and support in order to apply to the grant. Post-Doctoral Associates are expected to be autonomous in a lab and to be able to supervise undergraduate students. Candidates with the following expertise are invited to apply: PhD. in Organic Chemistry, Medicinal Chemistry, Synthetic Electrochemistry. A candidate is also supposed to have prior experience in one or more of the following areas: Organometallic Chemistry Structural Spectroscopy Mass Spectrometry Electrochemistry Interested candidates should email their full CV, a cover letter, a list of three references with e-mail . addresses and telephone numbers.Please consult our Website for more information: Ссылка на комментарий
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