Voland9999 Опубликовано 16 Марта, 2007 в 13:30 Поделиться Опубликовано 16 Марта, 2007 в 13:30 Коллеги! Прошу помочь мне в столь важном вопросе. 12 лет занимаюсь изучением токсикологии, а информации по рицину крайне мало. Подскажите, как можно его экстрагировать из семян клещевины? Пишите кто что знает. Лишней информации не бывает. 1 Ссылка на комментарий
Voland9999 Опубликовано 17 Марта, 2007 в 10:40 Автор Поделиться Опубликовано 17 Марта, 2007 в 10:40 Прошу помочь! Нужно очень срочно! По этому вопросу рассматривается уголовное дело! Ссылка на комментарий
Macropod Опубликовано 21 Марта, 2007 в 09:40 Поделиться Опубликовано 21 Марта, 2007 в 09:40 в википедии есть обзор http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ricin Такая статья существует Extraction of ricin from castor-bean residues. Zheng, Cheng; Lei, Dezhu; Lei, Yu; Yu, Xinwei; Zhang, Huiling. Department of Biology and Chemical Engineering, Guangzhou University, Guangzhou, Peop. Rep. China. Guangdong Huagong (2003), 30(5), 1-4. Publisher: Guangdongsheng Zhonghua Gongyeting Xinxi Zhongxin, CODEN: GHUAFI ISSN: 1007-1865. Journal written in Chinese. CAN 143:380971 AN 2005:68517 CAPLUS Abstract Ether extn. and buffer soln. methods were used to recover ricin from castor-bean residues. Ricin obtained by acetate extn., 70% ammonium sulfate pptn., and dialysis was detd. by UV spectrophotometry and high pressure liq. chromatog.; the extn. rate was 2.34%. The extn. rate of ricin extd. by using phosphate buffer (77 mL 0.2 mol/L disodium hydrogen phosphate mixed with 23 mL 0.2 mol/L sodium dihydrogen phosphate), 60% ammonium sulfate pptn., dialysis, and water absorption with polyethylene glycol was 2-3%. Indexing -- Section 4-1 (Toxicology) Castor oil plant (Ricinus communis). Boehme, Hartwig. Institut fuer Tierernaehrung, Bundesforschungsanstalt fuer Landwirtschaft (FAL), Braunschweig, Germany. Landbauforschung Voelkenrode, Sonderheft (2006), 294(Moeglichkeiten der Dekontamination von Unerwuenschten Stoffen nach Anlage 5 der Futtermittelverordnung (2006)), 243-245. Publisher: Bundesforschungsanstalt fuer Landwirtschaft Braunschweig-Voelkenrode, CODEN: LVSWAI ISSN: 0376-0723. Journal; General Review written in German. CAN 146:26507 AN 2006:1205137 CAPLUS Abstract A brief review on the use of castor oil seed as feed. Possibilities of decontamination of ricin in extd. wholemeal by autoclaving or alk. or acidic treatment in the presence of formaldehyde are summarized. Indexing -- Section 17-0 (Food and Feed Chemistry) И еще есть 200 статей где упоминают рицин и экстракцию Ricin poisoning. A comprehensive review. Audi, Jennller; Belson, Martin; Patel, Manish; Schier, Joshua; Osterloh, John. Nebraska Regional Poison Center, Omaha, NE, USA. JAMA, the Journal of the American Medical Association (2005), 294(18), 2342-2351. Publisher: American Medical Association, CODEN: JAMAAP ISSN: 0098-7484. Journal; General Review written in English. CAN 143:417334 AN 2005:1208517 CAPLUS Abstract A review. The recent discoveries of ricin, a deadly biol. toxin, at a South Carolina postal facility, a White House mail facility, and a US senator's office has raised concerns among public health officials, physicians, and citizens. Ricin is one of the most potent and lethal substances known, particularly when inhaled. The ease with which the native plant (Ricinus communis) can be obtained and the toxin extd. makes ricin an attractive weapon. The objectives were to summarize the literature on ricin poisoning and provide recommendations based on the best professional judgment for clinicians and public health officials that are faced with the deliberate release of ricin into the environment. Using PubMed, the authors searched MEDLINE and OLDMEDLINE databases (Jan. 1950-August 2005). The Chem. and Biol. Information Anal. Center database was searched for historical and military literature related to ricin toxicity. Book chapters, unpublished reports, monographs, relevant news reports, and Web material were also reviewed to find nonindexed articles. Most literature on ricin poisoning involves castor bean ingestion and exptl. animal research. Aerosol release of ricin into the environment or adulteration of food and beverages are pathways to exposure likely to be exploited. Symptoms after ingestion (onset within 12 h) are nonspecific and may include nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, and abdominal pain and may progress to hypotension, liver failure, renal dysfunction, and death due to multiorgan failure or cardiovascular collapse. Inhalation (onset of symptoms is likely within 8 h) of ricin is expected to produce cough, dyspnea, arthralgias, and fever and may progress to respiratory distress and death, with few other organ system manifestations. Biol. analytic methods for detecting ricin exposure are undergoing investigation and may soon be available through ref. labs. Testing of environmental samples is available through federal ref. labs. Currently, no antidote, vaccine, or other specific effective therapy is available for ricin poisoning or prevention. Prompt treatment with supportive care is necessary to limit morbidity and mortality. Health care workers and public health officials should consider ricin poisoning in patients with gastrointestinal or respiratory tract illness in the setting a credible threat. Poison control centers and public health authorities should be notified of any known illness assocd. with ricin exposure. Purification and stabilization of ricin B from tobacco hairy root culture medium by aqueous two-phase extraction. Zhang, Chenming; Medina-Bolivar, Fabricio; Buswell, Scott; Cramer, Carole L. Department of Biological Systems Engineering, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, Blacksburg, VA, USA. Journal of Biotechnology (2005), 117(1), 39-48. Publisher: Elsevier B.V., CODEN: JBITD4 ISSN: 0168-1656. Journal written in English. CAN 143:76869 AN 2005:318749 CAPLUS Abstract Ricin B (RTB), the non-toxic lectin subunit of ricin, is a promising mucosal adjuvant and carrier for use in humans. RTB fusion proteins have been expressed in tobacco hairy root cultures, but the secreted RTB component of these proteins was vulnerable to protease degrdn. in the medium. Moreover, castor bean purified RTB spiked into tobacco hairy root culture media showed significant degrdn. after 24 h and complete loss of product after 72 h. Aq. two-phase extn. (ATPE) was tested for fast recovery of RTB not only to partially purify the protein but also to improve its stability. Two different polyethylene glycol (PEG)/salt/water systems including PEG/potassium phosphate and PEG/sodium sulfate, were studied. RTB was shown to be favorably recovered in PEG/sodium sulfate systems. Statistical anal. indicated that the ionic strength of the system and the sodium sulfate concn. were important in optimizing the partition coeff. of RTB. A selectivity of almost three could be achieved for RTB in optimized systems, and RTB partitioned in the PEG-rich phase exhibited extended stability. Therefore, ATPE was shown to be effective in initial recovery/purifn. and stabilization of RTB and may hold promise for other unstable secreted proteins from hairy root culture. Ссылка на комментарий
Macropod Опубликовано 21 Марта, 2007 в 10:28 Поделиться Опубликовано 21 Марта, 2007 в 10:28 добавлю статью файлом сам не читал, лень, но похоже по теме И еще пара статей Tavasolian B; Kharrazy P Extraction and partial purification of ricin from Ricinus communis L. Pahlavi medical journal (1978), 9(1), 21-6. Journal code: 1251605. ISSN:0030-9427. PubMed ID 652382 AN 78178065 MEDLINE Extraction , purification and determination of the molecular weight of ricin, toxalbumine of Ricinus communis. Lugnier A; Dirheimer G Comptes rendus hebdomadaires des seances de l'Academie des sciences. Serie D: Sciences naturelles (1971), 273(7), 704-7. Journal code: 7501107. ISSN:0567-655X. France. Journal; Article; (JOURNAL ARTICLE) written in French. PubMed ID 5001436 AN 72054370 MEDLINE Purification_and_stabilization_of_ricin_B.doc Ссылка на комментарий
Macropod Опубликовано 22 Марта, 2007 в 08:25 Поделиться Опубликовано 22 Марта, 2007 в 08:25 А еще есть в Питире такое заведение как Химико-Фармацевтическая Академия, уж если кто и знает, так это они. Их адрес: http://www.spcpa.ru/ Ссылка на комментарий
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